Sudden Unexpected Infant Death (SUID) Case Registry
Sudden Unexpected Infant Death (SUID) Case Registry
The Alliance is the Wisconsin grantee for the SUID Case Registry. A SUID is defined as the sudden and unexpected death of a baby less than one year old, that does not seem to have a specific cause before investigation. The SUID Case Registry allows Wisconsin to perform SUID surveillance by having local teams review the cases that occur in their counties and enter their data.
SUID Algorithm
Use this SUID categorization guide to determine if the death being reviewed meets the criteria for SUID Case Registry categorization.
Sudden Unexpected Infant Death Report: Data from 2019-2021 (Released 2024)
Infant mortality is a national and local public health concern. View the most recent SUID data in Wisconsin.
SUID Priority Variables
Use this form to guide data entry for SUID cases.
Death Scene Investigation Training
The SUID Case Registry works to improve death scene investigations (DSI) by tracking investigation data from SUIDs. The Alliance holds DSI trainings throughout the state on an annual basis. View our event page for upcoming trainings.
Autopsy Guidelines
This resources outlines the key components that should be included in each death scene investigation.
DSI Training Infographic
This infographic highlights key takeaways from the Wisconsin Child Death Scene Investigation trainings.
Contact Our Staff
Karen Nash, MBA
Program Leader
(414) 337-4567
Catheryn Morateck, MPH
(414) 337-4568
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Keeping Kids Alive in Wisconsin is funded in part by the Wisconsin Department of Health Services, Division of Public, MCH Title V Services Block grant through the Health Resources and Services Administration, Department of Health and Human Services.