2024 Annual Report
Letter from Matt Crespin, MPH, RDH, FADHA
Hear from the Alliance’s Executive Director as he reflects on the successes of 2024.
#ForKidsHealth Summit & National Child Health Day Recap
The Alliance celebrated our 30th anniversary at the #ForKidsHealth Summit. See the impact of the summit, and how our community came together to advocate for kids on National Child Health Day.
Emergency Care
Pediatric Ready Emergency Departments
Wisconsin Emergency Medical Services for Children (WI EMSC) officially recognized seven emergency departments throughout Wisconsin as Pediatric Ready Facilities!
Pediatric Readiness Implementation Guide Developed
With support from Advancing a Healthier Wisconsin Endowment, WI EMSC developed an Emergency Department Pediatric Readiness Implementation guide, giving emergency departments a question-by-question resource to improve pediatric readiness scores.
The National Prehospital Pediatric Readiness Project Assessment wrapped with Wisconsin receiving 201 responses and ranking 11th compared to all states and U.S. territories in participation.
Environmental Health
4,026 children participating in Love My Air Wisconsin
The Love My Air Wisconsin program was implemented in 10 schools, and our new air quality mascot, Air Pup, made his debut. Woof!
Stock Asthma Medication in Schools
New webpage created following Assembly Bill 914 passing, to help schools easily implement this new legislation.
2024 Spirit of Public Health Award
Program Manager, Sarah Kroening, MSpEd was selected to receive the Wisconsin Public Health Association’s 2024 Spirit of Public Health Award!
Food Security
Strengthening Communities: The Power of Partnerships
Brought together 124 professionals to explore the FoodCare Coalition’s journey in fostering collaboration among Milwaukee health care and community-based organizations to address food insecurity and health.
1 in 9 kids in Wisconsin faces food insecurity
The Alliance’s food security initiative is uniting health and food systems to boost community food security.
Embedded navigators provide connection to food and nutrition resources, FoodShare and Medicaid enrollment assistance, and serve as a resource for staff at two primary care clinics.
Injury Prevention and Death Review
Community Engagement
Engaged more than 350 caregivers to share beliefs, practices and opinions about the American Academy of Pediatrics’ infant safe sleep recommendations. Responses will be used to generate changes to the Alliance’s sleep baby safe training, resources and statewide partners working with new and expecting families.
Sudden Unexpected Infant Death Report
Sudden Unexpected Infant Death (SUID) Report released highlighting the burden of SUIDs in Wisconsin. The report includes data on demographics, social and economic factors, the top three causes of deaths which were undetermined, asphyxia and medical causes with unsafe sleep factors.
The Alliance’s current and former executive directors went head-to-head to #ClearTheCrib in under 10 seconds. This fun challenge packed a big message – together, we can work to reduce the risk of SIDS and other sleep-related infant deaths, by promoting safe sleep practices.
Medical Home
The Care Coordinators Collaborative hosted quarterly meetings to promote peer learning and support for professionals who coordinate care for kids.
Developmental screening helps ensure children with delays have timely access to the resources they need. Hear firsthand the benefits of developmental screening from a patient family.
Act Early Ambassador Role Continues
Program Manager, Morgan Conti, was once again selected as CDC Act Early Ambassador to Wisconsin for 2024-26.
Oral Health
Wisconsin Seal-A-Smile served over 86,000 students, providing nearly $18 million of preventative dental care across Wisconsin schools at no-charge to families.
27 Patient/Caregiver Interviews Conducted
“I think it’s more easy when they [patients] come in to the doctor appointment because it’s like you’re doin’ two things at the same time.” – Caregiver of pediatric patient
Thanks to advocacy efforts of the Wisconsin Oral Health Coalition and our many partners, we celebrated several legislative wins in 2024.
A special thank you to our students, interns and AmeriCorps members for helping us serve children and families statewide.
Get Involved
The Alliance is Wisconsin’s voice for children’s health. Donate today to support the Alliance’s work to ensure children are healthy, safe and able to thrive.