Resources for Stock Asthma Medication in Schools
Resources for Stock Asthma Medication in Schools
Utilize the following tools and resources for stock asthma medication in schools.
Overview of school prescriptions.
This slide deck provides an overview of asthma in schools and the benefits of stock asthma medications. Use this resource for meetings and presentations related to the legislation update.
Use this sample communication to updated parents/guardians regarding the updated policy.
2023 Assembly Bill 914
Legislative overview outlining the supply and use of short−acting bronchodilators on school premises or at a school−sponsored event.
American Lung Association Model Policy on Stock-Bronchodilators
This model policy works to improve the health and academic outcomes of students living with asthma.
Asthma Medication in Schools Fact Sheet
This fact sheet supports safe access to asthma medication in schools.
Department of Public Instruction Letter of Support
This letter helps facilitate understanding of recent enacted legislation to obtain undesignated short-acting bronchodilators for use on school premises or at school-sponsored events.
Letter to Parent/Guardian
This letter can be sent to a child’s parent/guardian following administration of the stock medication.
Letter to Primary Care Physician
This letter can be sent to a child’s primary care physician following administration of the stock medication.
Short-Acting Bronchodilator Prescription
Prescription order form for short-acting bronchodilator.
Short-Acting Bronchodilator Standing Medical Order
Standing medical order form for short-acting bronchodilator.
Contact Our Staff
Carissa Hoium, MPH
Program Leader
Environmental Health
(414) 337-4569
Sarah Kroening, MSpEd
Program Manager
Environmental Health
(414) 266-9730
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