Resources for Stock Asthma Medication in Schools

On March 22, 2024, Gov. Tony Evers signed Assembly Bill 914 (now 2023 Wisconsin Act 195). This bill allows schools to adopt a plan for the management of students who have asthma. As part of this plan, a prescription for a short-acting bronchodilator can be issued in the name of a school (as opposed to an individual patient), so that this vital medication can be kept on hand and administered by trained school staff if someone is experiencing respiratory distress at school, or at a school-sponsored event.

This is a huge win for school-aged children with both diagnosed and undiagnosed asthma in Wisconsin. Having a short-acting bronchodilator in stock at school has many benefits including: children experiencing respiratory distress can be treated immediately, their caregivers may not have to leave work as often, the child may not have to miss school as often, the number of asthma-related EMS calls may be decreased and emergency department visits may be prevented. Please utilize the following tools and resources for stock asthma medication in schools.

2023 Assembly Bill 914

Legislative overview outlining the supply and use of short−acting bronchodilators on school premises or at a school−sponsored event.

Slide Deck

This slide deck provides an overview of asthma in schools and the benefits of stock asthma medications. Use this resource for meetings and presentations related to the legislation update.

American Lung Association Model Policy on Stock-Bronchodilators

The American Lung Association model policy on stock-bronchodilators, works to improve the health and academic outcomes of students living with asthma.

Sample Policies 

(Please note that Neola, an organization that many Wisconsin school districts use to create their policies, will also incorporate policy guidance about stock albuterol in their update for the 2024-25 school year.)

American Lung Association Model Policy on Stock-Bronchodilators
This model policy works to improve the health and academic outcomes of students living with asthma.

Letter to Parent/Guardian
This letter can be sent to a child’s parent/guardian following administration of the stock medication.

Letter to Primary Care Physician
This letter can be sent to a child’s primary care physician following administration of the stock medication.

Policy Update Note to Parent/Guardian
Use this sample communication to updated parents/guardians regarding the updated policy.

Sample Reporting Form
Use this sample reporting form to document each dose of medication administered to a student.

Getting Medication & Supplies 

Back to School Pharmacy Guide
Overview of school prescriptions. This can also be used if the pharmacy is unfamiliar with the new legislation.

Department of Public Instruction Letter of Support 
This letter helps facilitate understanding of recent enacted legislation to obtain undesignated short-acting bronchodilators for use on school premises or at school-sponsored events. This can be paired with the PDF of the legislation (2023 Assembly Bill 914 above) if pharmacy is unfamiliar with the new legislation.

Potential Sources
This list includes potential partners/sources for obtaining medication and supplies.

Short-Acting Bronchodilator Prescription
Prescription order form for short-acting bronchodilator.

Short-Acting Bronchodilator Standing Medical Order
Standing medical order form for short-acting bronchodilator.

Staff Training 

Asthma Medication in Schools Fact Sheet
This fact sheet supports safe access to asthma medication in schools.

Training for Staff
Links to required and supplemental trainings for staff administering medications, and training specific to asthma.

Contact Our Staff

Carissa Hoium, MPH
Program Leader
Environmental Health
(414) 337-4569

Sarah Kroening, MSpEd
Program Manager
Environmental Health
(414) 266-9730

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