Children’s Health Alliance of Wisconsin’s (the Alliance) medical home initiative Program Manager, Morgan Conti, has been selected as the Center for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC) Act Early Ambassador to Wisconsin for 2024-26.
Act Early ambassadors support the work making strides to improving early identification of developmental delays and disabilities statewide. One aspect of this role includes promoting and integrating “Learn the Signs. Act Early.” resources into systems that service young children and their families. These resources are free for providers and professionals to print or order, and could make a large impact on empowering families around their child’s development.
In this role as ambassador to Wisconsin, I’m looking forward to expanding current partnerships, building new relationships with early childhood sectors and aligning statewide efforts. My role within the medical home initiative will remain the same, yet my ability to advocate for early intervention will span the continuum from developmental monitoring to universal screening.
Reach out to Morgan to learn more about the CDC’s “Learn the Signs. Act Early.” program, and all of the free developmental monitoring resources they have to offer!
Written by:
Morgan Conti
Program Manager, Medical Home